Polygonal billiards are an example of pseudo-chaotic dynamics, a combination of integrable evolution and sudden jumps due to conical singular points that arise from the corners of the polygons. Such pseudo-chaotic behaviour, often characterised by an algebraic separation of nearby trajectories, is believed to be linked to the wild dependence that particle transport has on the fine details of the billiard table.
Here I will discuss this relation and the statistics of displacement in a family of polygonal channel billiards with parallel walls. Transport is characterised by strong anomalous diffusion, with a mean square displacement that scales in time faster than linear, and with a probability density of the displacement exhibiting exponential tails and ballistic fronts. In channels of finite length, the distribution of first-passage times is characterised by fat tails, with a mean first-passage time that diverges when the aperture angle is rational. These findings have non-trivial consequences for a variety of experiments