Dear friends, the organizers of the International Scientific Forum FIT-M and the organizers of the MACSPro conference announce the co-location of the MACSPro'2021 conference!
Date: December 16, 17 and 18, 2021.
Format: Hybrid (online and offline)
Location 11 Pokrovsky Blvd., Moscow, 109028
Online format: Zoom (connection link will be sent to registered MACSPro'2021 participants)
MACSPro'2021 — is a platform for specialists working on the theory and practice of analyzing complex systems in various fields, in order to provide conditions for the development of technology transfer from the latest research to critical applied areas of industry and business. The conference specializes in the application of mathematical and computer modeling to complex technical and social systems.
September 30 - deadline for the receipt of applications with abstracts
October 30 - deadline for accepting papers for publication in the collection of papers on CEUR Workshop Proceedings service
November 10 - deadline for personal notification of authors about the results of selection of submitted papers to the Program Committee
November 15 - the deadline for personal notification of the authors of the best papers according to the Program Committee. These articles may be submitted to Springer Proceedings Series, such as Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) or Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS). Authors will then be asked to adapt (with slight modifications) their paper to the Springer LNCS template in LATEX by November 25
The MACSPro'2021 program includes the following topics:
The conference considers scholarly papers in computer science and also supports interdisciplinary research devoted to methods of computer science and applied mathematics in complex fields.
Abstracts are limited to two A4 pages.
A standard font Times New Roman (type size 10), line spacing 1, side margins: left - 2 cm, right - 1,5 cm, top and bottom - 2 cm, indentation (red line) - 1,25 cm; orientation - portrait, without transfers.
Text should be aligned by width.
Abstracts should be submitted only in the text format .docx
Please use the Ceur-WS: Latex template in 1 column
You can choose one of two types of submission:
Sending documents in Word format is forbidden! Works that do not meet the above page limits or do not use the template provided will be rejected.
You may use the online editor Latex to prepare your article
Articles selected by the Program Committee will be included in the collection and published in the CEUR Workshop Proceedings service
Read about the publication format in the MACSPRO'20 Proceedings
Publication can only be requested through EasyChair. Instructions for signing up EasyChair services and submitting an article for publication in the Conference MACSPro'2021 Proceedings is available at LINK
If you are already registered with EasyChair, then you can submit an article using our form by clicking on the button below.
The best papers may be submitted to Springer Proceedings Series - Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS). Authors will then be asked to adapt (with slight modifications) their paper to the Springer CCIS template in LATEX by November 25
Free admission to all Forum venues
Access to Live Stream
Handouts from the Organisers
Free admission to all Forum venues
Handouts from the Organisers
Access to Live Stream
The opportunity to ask questions to any speaker
Access to video recordings, materials of the Conference speakers, leading seminars, workshops and master classes on the 30th day after the end of the Forum
Free admission to all Forum venues
Handouts from the Organisers
Access to Live Stream
The opportunity to ask questions to any speaker
Access to video recordings, materials of the speakers of the Conference, leading seminars, workshops and master classes on the 3rd day after the end of the Forum
Materials and presentations of speakers